LanSchool is an award-winning classroom management solution that helps teachers build a digital learning environment that drives bigger outcomes. Compatible with Android, Chromebooks, Mac and Windows devices in dedicated or mixed-device classrooms.
LanSchool helps guide learning, increase collaboration and maximize teaching time. LanSchool helps teachers connect with students to create more meaningful online experiences, both in the classroom and remotely.

Every Qualifying Lenovo Device is Eligible for a 1-year LanSchool License.
Easy deployment. LanSchool Air is cloud-based, so updates are available automatically. There is no hardware to maintain, and teachers always have the latest functionality.
Decreased workloads. The software gives teachers the ability to control the content their students access online, IT staff receive far fewer requests to block certain websites on their network. This puts the power back in teachers’ hands and decreases reliance on IT support.
Simplified support. Using the same platform to manage both Windows and Chrome devices simplifies and reduces workloads, enabling staff to become experts on one product instead of having to become familiar with multiple platforms. Using one solution reduces the training burden.

So why do I like LanSchool, well firstly, with any qualifying Lenovo PC/Laptop it’s my favourite price – Free. I can also see how useful it can be to assist teaching and learning, the tool took me 20 seconds to get to grips with and within 5 minutes I could use all the key features. Its all very well having a powerful tool that does everything, but what most teachers need is a simple tool tat they can use with confidence. Did I mention it’s free 😉
Yves Mpono – EBM Education Specialist
Key Features
Monitoring and Protection – Guide classroom learning and keep students safe with easy-to-use, easy-to-monitor device protection features.
Communication and Screen Sharing – Promote collaboration in the classroom with powerful screen sharing and one-to-one, one-to-many messaging features.
Device Management – LanSchool helps educators maximize the time spent in class — allowing them to remotely control student devices and maintain classroom focus.
Website Limiting – Help students focus on their work by limiting online access to approved websites and disabling internet access during tests and quizzes.
Award Winning Software