A recent IPCC report warned that heatwaves, droughts and flooding will grow increasingly severe. Glaciers will continue to melt. Oceans could rise by up to 1 metre – or more – in the next 80 years.1
Burning fossil fuels to create electricity produces vast amounts of CO2. We need to change the way we consume energy. With Epson, we’re helping customers cut energy consumption of printers, helping to minimise impact on the environment.

Epson inkjet printers with Heat-Free printing technology typically use less power than laser-printing technology because there are no fuser units to heat. With no need to heat up a fuser, Epson inkjets start printing fast – which can mean less time in action and lower running costs.
Plus, Epson inkjet printers typically have fewer maintenance parts that require replacement compared to laser printers. That can help reduce the environmental impact of manufacturing and recycling the additional resources.
So when you’re making your next printing choice, think about switching to Heat-Free printing technology. It’s an easy way to turn technology to your advantage.
Turn technology to your advantage

1 www.ipcc.ch/report/ar6/wg1/downloads/report/IPCC_AR6_WGI_SPM_final.pdf